June – Meeting and Print Critique

Meeting and Print Critique
Wednesday, June 17 at 7 PM Via Zoom
Log on for Social Hour beginning at 6 PM.
We had originally planned on a Print Competition for June.
Since we are meeting via Zoom and implementing this format on zoom for the first time, we are unsure of how images will display across the many different monitors (some calibrated, some not) used by our members, guests and judges. Therefore, this will not be a scored print competition. Instead, it will be a live print critique.
Judges might offer what they would have scored it, but awards will not be handed out and first, second, and third place will not be identified.
We have two valued judges who will offer their critiques:
Owen Kassimir – former President of PPSNYS and
Frank Bulfamante – former President of HVPPSNY
For this critique only, please send your images to
Steve Moses by 9 AM Monday, June 15.
Send to: steve@stevemosesphotography.com
Here are the rules…
Image Size: Longest dimension 4,000 pixels (20 inches at 200 ppi)
Color Profile: sRGB or Adobe 1998
Named as: Image Title.jpg (Sample: New York at Sunrise.jpg)
Must be exact name of Print
Saved as: JPG, quality 10
Total File Size: Not to exceed 3.5 MB
4 Categories: Portrait * Weddings/Events * Illustrative * Artistic (NEW!)
Max Entries: Send up to 6 images!!
Do not use your own name in the file.
Remove any keywords added to the EXIF data.
Within the text of your email, identify each submission EXACTLY as follows:
Last Name,First Name,TITLE,Category
Sample: Smith,Jennifer,NEW YORK AT SUNRISE,Illustrative (no space after commas)
Repeat for each submission. Send images as attachments to the email.
Subject format for email – Month Year Print Comp (Sample: June. 2020 Print Comp)
If you have any questions or need help, please contact Steve: steve@stevemosesphotography.com
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