In an email, identify each submission EXACTLY as follows: Last Name,First Name,TITLE,Category
Sample: Smith,Jennifer,NEW YORK AT SUNRISE,Illustrative (no space after commas)
Repeat for each submission. Send images as attachments to the email.
Subject format for email – Month Year Print Comp (Sample: May 2022 Print Comp)
Email to Eli Sloves,
Submit early to be safe. ELI will send you a confirmation via email by Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
If you do not receive the email by Wednesday morning, email him immediately.
You must be a member and be present at the meeting for your images to be judged and/or critiqued.
Thank you to our sponsor: Hunt’s Photography and Video
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Wabi-Sabi with Lisa Cuchara
“Wabi means a beauty of elegant imperfection. Sabi means aloneness. Together, they suggest the beauty of the withered, weathered, tarnished, scarred, intimate, course, earthy,
evanescent, tentative ephemeral” ~Crispin Sartwell, Six Names of Beauty.
This program teaches you to:
• Explore the beauty of imperfect and/or unconventional objects
• Appreciate the beauty of everyday life Instead of searching for subjects that are perfect, highlight subjects that have character such as decaying fallen leaves, a deformed coneflower, rust as it creates abstract patterns amidst the decay, etc.
1015 Little Britain Road, New Winsor, NY
Social Hour 5:30, Dinner/Meeting 6:30
Members: $32; Guests $32 (first two meetings); Non-Members: $40
R.S.V.P. by Sunday, April 7th
Email to r.s.v.p.
Reservations are Required
BIO: PhD, M.Photog.Cr, HonNEC. Lisa is a passionate photographer who
enjoys being behind the camera and in the digital darkroom. She and her
husband, Tom, are known for their expertise in Photography and Photoshop, and for their inspirational, informative workshops. Lisa has created numerous award winning
photographs and enjoys sharing her vision, passion and knowledge! Her images have appeared in magazines, paperbacks, galleries and exhibitions, and have been accepted into PPA’s Imaging Excellence Collection. Together, she and Tom have published two books as pictured above.
Here are the rules…
Image Size: Longest dimension 4,000 pixels (20 inches at 200 ppi)
Color Profile: sRGB or Adobe 1998
Named as: Image Title.jpg (Sample: New York at Sunrise.jpg)
Must be exact name of Print
Saved as: JPG, quality 10
Total File Size: Not to exceed 3.5 MB
4 Categories: Portrait * Weddings/Events * Illustrative * Artistic (NEW!)
Max Entries: Send up to 6 images!!
Do not use your own name in the file. Remove any keywords added to the EXIF data.
In an email, identify each submission EXACTLY as follows: Last Name,First Name,TITLE,Category
Sample: Smith,Jennifer,NEW YORK AT SUNRISE,Illustrative (no space after commas)
Repeat for each submission. Send images as attachments to the email.
Subject format for email – Month Year Print Comp (Sample: Jan 2022 Print Comp)
Email to Eli Sloves,
Submit early to be safe. ELI will send you a confirmation via email by Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
If you do not receive the email by Wednesday morning, email him immediately.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 (Reservations are Required)
Robert Near
Crafting B&W Fine Art Images in Today’s Digital World
Join Robert as he shows you how he creates his black and white images by seeing colors as a grey zone level, making them work together to give the image pop and depth.
Topics to be discussed:
Initial Lightroom/Photoshop adjustments
Luminosity maks for targeted dodging
and burning
DxO’s NIK collection: SilverEfex &
ADP LumiFlow Panel
BW Artisan Pro Panel
In the last half of his program, Robert will pull it all together with a live workflow revealing the steps of his final B&W fine art image which has resulted in many PPA IPC Merit worthy images for him over the years.
BIO: Robert Near has been a resident of the Hudson River Valley of New York State since birth. As a landscape photographer for the past 40 years, he finds the challenge of capturing an iconic image is to look for that angle or condition that has yet to be captured. Robert is a self- taught photographer starting B&W film, and in today’s digital world he is still drawn to producing B&W with digital captures. Robert has begun offering small workshops, guiding and working with other photographers to photograph the many beautiful areas in the Catskills. His works have been published in magazines, NYS tourism brochures, 2008 first place in the Photo Professional Photographers of America (PPA) International Photographic Competition (IPC) since 2017. In 2019 he earned PPA’s Master of Photography degree.
September Image Competition – Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Via Zoom – Link Forthcoming
Images will be scored and ribbons given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place and Best in Show
Prepare your images now … or just join in to look and listen!
It’s a great way to learn from the judges
Here are the rules …
Image Size: Longest dimension 4,000 pixels (20 inches at 200 ppi)
Color Profile: sRGB or Adobe 1998
Named as: Image Title.jpg (Sample: New York at Sunrise.jpg), Must be exact name of Print
Saved as: JPG, quality 10
Total File Size: Not to exceed 3.5 MB
4 Categories: Portrait * Weddings/Events * Illustrative * Artist
Max Entries: Send up to 6 images!!
Do not use your own name in the file. Remove any keywords added to the EXIF data.
‘Print Submission Form’ is no longer used!
In an email, identify each submission EXACTLY as follows: Last Name, First Name,TITLE,Category
Sample: Smith,Jennifer,NEW YORK AT SUNRISE,Illustrative (no space after commas)
Repeat for each submission. Send images as attachments to the email.
Subject format for email – Month Year Print Comp (Sample: Sep 2020 Print Comp)
Email to Eli Sloves,
Submit early to be safe. Eli will send you a confirmation via email by Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
If you do not receive the email by Wednesday morning, email him immediately.
You must be a member and be present at the meeting for your images to be judged and/or critiqued.
Support our Sponsor
Hunt’s Photo and Video
Competitive Prices * Free Shipping
Personal Sales Rep: Brian Maryansky