Join us for our January Meeting and Image Competition on Wednesday, January 17 via Zoom. The zoom link will open up for Social time at around 6:30 PM and the meeting will begin at 7 PM.
Our judges will be Paul Bernstein and Steve Yahr.
Images will be scored and ribbons given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place and Best in Show
Prepare your images now…or just join in to look and listen!
It’s a great way to learn from the judges.
Here are the rules…
Image Size: Longest dimension 4,000 pixels (20 inches at 200 ppi)
Color Profile: sRGB or Adobe 1998
Named as: Image Title.jpg (Sample: New York at Sunrise.jpg)
Must be exact name of Print
Saved as: JPG, quality 10
Total File Size: Not to exceed 3.5 MB
4 Categories: Portrait * Weddings/Events * Illustrative * Artist
Max Entries: Send up to 6 images!!
Do not use your own name in the file.
Remove any keywords added to the EXIF data.
‘Print Submission Form’ is no longer used!
Remove any keywords added to the EXIF data.
‘Print Submission Form’ is no longer used!
In an email, identify each submission EXACTLY as follows:
Last Name,First Name,TITLE,Category
Last Name,First Name,TITLE,Category
Sample: Smith,Jennifer,NEW YORK AT SUNRISE,Illustrative (no space after commas)
Repeat for each submission. Send images as attachments to the email.
Subject format for email –
Month Year Print Comp (Sample: Jan 2024 Print Comp)
Month Year Print Comp (Sample: Jan 2024 Print Comp)
Email to Eli Sloves,
Submit early to be safe. Steve will send you a confirmation via email by Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
Submit early to be safe. Steve will send you a confirmation via email by Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
If you do not receive the email by Wednesday morning, email him immediately.
If you do not receive the email by Wednesday morning, email him immediately.
You must be a member and be present at the meeting for your images to be judged and/or critiqued.
Zoom Link to follow.
Thank you to our sponsor: Hunt’s Photography and Video