March 2016 Meeting – Dynamic On-Location Portraits


Join us at our next meeting on March 16th – Dynamic On-Location Portraits

When shooting on location, we don’t always have the luxury of ideal settings and conditions. So we have to make it work!

By looking at the thought-process in how we set up an on-location shoot, we’ll look at posing and specifically the lighting, whether available light, or additional lighting. We will look at all the factors that have to come together for a successful portrait and a consistent style.

We will discuss practical steps to develop and achieve consistency with your on-location portrait photography.

Neil van NiekerkBio:

Neil van Niekerk is a world-renowned photographer based in New Jersey, specializing in weddings.

Neil has also presented workshops on lighting, in the USA and the UK and Ireland. In addition to that, he has written several books on flash photography, with another in the works.  He also maintains a website for photographers, Tangents, which is loaded with tutorials.